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Description General description AnteoTech identified the following problems that researchers are having with their multiplex assays: • Binding difficult antibodies and antigens to microspheres • Complex protocols for inexperienced users • Lengthy microsphere and protein preparation times prior to protein coupling • Reproducibility between batches of protein coupled microspheres • Limited storage of ready-to-couple microspheres From these findings, they developed the AnteoBind™ Activation Kit For Multiplex Microspheres that is for use with the Luminex xMAP® system and contains the patented AnteoBind Activation Reagent. With this Activation Kit, you can couple multiple antibodies without extra optimization for each, saving assay development time and reducing the barriers of assay transfer between diverse platforms. AnteoBind is water based and replaces the dry chemicals you would use with the EDC method. Using AnteoBind instead of NHS/EDC chemistry can save up to 3-4 hours of lab time. Experiments have shown increased stability and functionality for antibodies and a decreased background. AnteoBind improves reproducibility between experiments by providing uniformity between surfaces. You can store your AnteoBind activated microspheres for up to 1 year. POSTER: A Novel User Friendly Chemistry to Couple Antibodies and Challenging Proteins to Luminex MagPlex Microspheres Application Activation and coupling of Luminex Microspheres for Multiplex Immunoassays Features and Benefits • Water based AnteoBind™ activation and coupling reagent for microspheres • Fast assay development time making it easy to move your ELISA assay to the Luminex xMAP® system • Compatible with both Luminex MagPlex® and MicroPlex® microspheres • Test problematic proteins on xMAP, including those cited as not suitable for the system • An alternative to traditional chemistries such as NHS/EDC methods with an easier to use AnteoBind protocol • Ease of use, simply pipette AnteoBind Reagent to your chosen microspheres to activate • Reduce reagent preparation time by 3-4 hours • Increase antibody functionality • Low background noise • High reproducibility between experiments Legal Information Anteobind is a trademark of AnteoTech Ltd MagPlex is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp MicroPlex is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp xMAP is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp
  1. Related Categories AnteoTech Reagents, Activation and Coupling Kits, Bead Coupling, Chemical Biology, Chemical Synthesis usage
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Sisco Research Laboratories
Фасовка: 500 г
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Фасовка: 500 мл
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Sisco Research Laboratories
Фасовка: 2 вида
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Sisco Research Laboratories
Фасовка: 2,5 мл
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Sisco Research Laboratories
Фасовка: 100 г
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Sisco Research Laboratories
Фасовка: 100 мл
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