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Cresol Red is used as a tracking dye in DNA, RNA (agarose) and protein (polyacrylamide) electrophoresis. In agarose, Cresol Red runs with an apparent molecular size of approx. 125 bp DNA. Cresol Red does not inhibit Taq polymerase. Recently Cresol Red has been used as a pH sensitive indicator dye in nanoengineered optical urea biosensors films and hetero-core structured fiber optic pH sensor.
5, 25 g in glass bottle
- Related Categories Analytical Reagents, Analytical/Chromatography, Base Ingredients for Media, C, Cell Biology, Hematology and Histology, Indicators, Microbiology, Stains & Dyes, A to Z, Stains and Dyes, Titration, pH Indicators - Solids, pH indicators More... Quality Level