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General description
Fluorescein O-methacrylate is a pH sensitive dye with a fluorescent monomer. It can be characterized by an excitation spectra at 490 nm and an emission spectra at 520 nm. It has fluorescein that acts as an indicator with the least negative charges. Its properties include biocompatibility, non-toxicity and good dispersion in aqueous solution.[1][2]
Fluorescein O-methacrylate can be used as a marker that can be incorporated into the nanoparticle complexes for biological applications.[1] It forms environmentally responsive materials that can be used as probes for cellular imaging.[3]
Fluorescent monomer
1 g in glass bottle
500 mg in glass insert
- Related Categories Fluorescent Monomers, Materials Science, Organic and Printed Electronics, Photoluminescent Materials, Photonic and Optical Materials More... Quality Level