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General description_x000D_
Six autoclavable precision micro-molds to cast 3D Petri Dish for forming toroid shaped microtissues. 3D Petri Dish for use in 12-well plate. Each micro-mold forms 36 toroid shaped recesses in a 6 x 6 array._x000D_
• Nominal dimensions of each toroid shaped 3D culture recess: O.D. 1400 μm x I.D. 600 μm_x000D_
• Trough W 400 μm x D 800 μm_x000D_
• Micro-molds also form single chamber for cell seeding_x000D_
When the gelled agarose is removed from the micro-mold, it is transferred to a standard 12 well or 24 well tissue culture dish and equilibrated with cell culture medium. Since the agarose is transparent, the spheroids or microtissues that form at the bottom of each agarose micro-well can be easily viewed using a standard inverted microscope using phase contrast, bright field or fluorescence microscopy._x000D_
• The micro-molds are reusable up to 12 times and can be sterilized via a standard steam autoclave (30 min, dry cycle)_x000D_
• The micro-molds should be stored in a covered container to maintain sterility and to avoid collecting dust or fibres on their small features_x000D_
• Any microscope with sufficient magnification and resolution functions for cell based views or images will be suitable for use with the 3D Petri Dish products_x000D_
Legal Information_x000D_
3D Petri Dish is a registered trademark of MicroTissues Inc._x000D_
MicroTissues is a registered trademark of MicroTissues Inc.
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