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General description
Two common solvents used in peptide synthesis are dimethylformamide (DMF) and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP). Both solvents will degrade naturally over time producing unwanted amine impurities that can contaminate your synthesis. AldraAmine trapping packets offer a solution to this problem by effectively reducing amine and water contaminants to levels near those of freshly distilled solvent. Just insert a packet into the bottle of solvent and let it do the rest. Packets are made of an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene membrane that has been tested for safe long-term exposure to DMF and NMP. Packets are vacuum sealed.
• Effectively reduces amine and water impurities for up to 3 months
• Each packet individually vacuum sealed and fully activated for immediate use
• Safe for automated synthesizers
• Ideal for solid-phase and solution-phase peptide synthesis
Note: These traps are not designed to be used in aqueous solutions (greater than 500 ppm of water). Avoid exposure to solvents with a very high water content as heat may be produced.
- Related Categories Aldrich, Aldrich AldraAmine trapping packets, Aldrich Desiccation Supplies, Desiccants - Dehumidifier, Desiccators and Desiccants, Labware, Manufacturer Browser More... volume