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General description
Atto Oxa12 maleimide ester is a red-emitting dye and a lipophilic variety of Atto 655. Characteristic features of the label are strong absorption, good fluorescence quantum yield, very little triplet formation, excellent thermal and photo-stability, and outstanding ozone resistance.
Atto Oxa12 maleimide is a cationic dye (charge +1). Absorption and fluorescence are pH independent in the range pH 2 to 11, used in typical applications. Atto Oxa12 maleimide shows excellent solubility in organic solvents like DMF, DMSO or acetonitrile.
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Legal Information
This product is for Research use only. In case of intended commercialization, please contact the IP-holder (ATTO-TEC GmbH, Germany) for licensing.
- Related Categories Atto Labels, Biochemicals and Reagents, Fluorescent Labels, Fluorescent Probes, Labels, Particles and Stains Quality Level