{{ isErrorSetToBasket === false ? 'Товар добавлен вкорзину' : 'Не удалось добавить товар в корзину'}}
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{{!!storageProduct ? 'На складе' : 'Под заказ'}}
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Automated Mass Comparators.AX64004Fully Automated Mass Comparison_x000D_
The absence of any manual intervention during the automated measurements improves the quality and the accuracy of the comparative weighing_x000D_
Full Data Traceability_x000D_
All measurement results are completely traceable at any time and stored in a comprehensive report_x000D_
Enhanced Workflow_x000D_
Batch of weights can be loaded in one step at the beginning and uloaded at the end of the process
- Maximum Capacity 64,260 g
- Readability 0.1 mg
- OIML Class E1
- Electrical Weighing Range E2
- Guaranteed Repeatability F1
- Repeatability ABA at Nominal Load F2
- Weight Handler 0 g – 260 g
- Repeatability Typical ABA 0.4 mg
- Номер 0.4 mg